Saturday, November 3, 2007

Amy wears her custom grill when she needs to feel her very best, like during a half-marathon. These golden teeth give Amy the extra dose of confidence to win her age group in any race. She also enjoys wearing her dental bling to Sunday services at her local Mormon church. This grizzle is perfect for singing hymns, and the children in the nursery love to watch Amy eat at snacktime. Just look at the way the faux-diamonds catch the sunlight, isn't this grill gorgeous?


The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

oh no you didn't!! this is shameful. i can't wait to hear all the hate mail on this one!! ha!

Amy said...

only one so far...and it was done in the nicest of ways.
But I've still been feeling bad since it came...

Michelle Glauser said...
